Recent News

I was awarded a 2-yr CAGT Genome Technology Fellowship to continue my postdoctoral research exploring gene regulatory mechanisms in zebrafish regeneration.

I have left the Kalsotra Lab after finishing my graduate work. Starting my postdoc in the Poss and Di Talia labs and I am really excited!!!

I successfully defended my thesis work today. It is officially Dr. Bangru now.

Our recent preprint on the single-cell analysis of liver regeneration is now published in Genome Research!! Really looking forward to following this up with a couple of stories we got brewing…

I spent the past month applying and interviewing with some amazing labs for a postdoctoral position. And, have decided to join a co-mentored position with Dr. Ken Poss and Dr. Stefano Di Talia at Duke University in Fall 2021. Here’s to new adventures!!!

The first research project I was involved in as an undergraduate was recently published in Bioscience Reports. I first started working on it over 7 years ago!

My most recent work which I co-authored with my labmate Ullas, is now up on bioarxiv! Best project I have worked on!

I was awarded the Scott Dissertation Completion Fellowship 2020-21 by the UIUC Graduate College!!

A collaborative effort with the Hernaez & Ochoa Labs is now available on bioarxiv!

A collaboration with my friend and former roommate, Indrajit Srivastava @therealindrajit, was published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces !

A new study I was involved in the Kalsotra Lab was published recently Developmental Cell! A really cool discovery, glad to be a part of it.

I wrote a review with Dr. Kalsotra on liver regeneration for Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology! My second review, I think I am beginning to get a hang of this.

Great start to the new year!! A collaborative project with the Diehl Lab@Duke was published in Journal of Clinical InvestigationGlad to have made a small contribution!!

Me and Waqar were awarded the Colin A. Wraight Memorial Award 2019 in Biochemistry for our paper last year on liver regeneration and ESRP2.

The method we developed previously for celltype specific isolation of ribosomes from hepatocytes was published in Methods!

Woohoo!! My first first-author paper just got published. We show how the Hippo pathway is rewired through alternative splicing to enable liver regeneration published in Nature Structural & Molecular Biology. Shout to my co-author Waqar, and also my lab members!!

I was selected as a “Tissue Microenvironment Training Program” (TiMe) Fellow. It will provide support for the next two years!!!